Monitor Turret Excavation Going Slowly; Ring
No Help in Identification
Sept. 30, 2002-(CWI)-It caused great excitement
and raised great hopes when a small, perfectly
preserved gold ring was found in the turret
of the USS Monitor. Perhaps it would have
an inscription, as was common at the time,
that would confirm the identification of
one of the sailors lost when the historic
ironclad gunboat sank on New Years Eve, 1862.
No such luck. Nothing on the recovered ring
will help in the identities.
Remains of two sailors have been found, and
more remains could be found once two 11-inch
Dahlgren cannons are removed from the 120-ton
While the ring was probably the most dramatic
discovery, it is far from the only one scientists
have made, the Charlotte Observer reported.
With about another month of excavation to
go, the scientists have found most of a wool
jacket (stuck to a mass of sea-encrusted
iron), the gold band from a skeletal hand,
a leather boot, a spoon, rubber buttons,
a pile of coal and a rubber comb stamped
with "U.S. Navy."
One surprise, Peterson said, is that the
cannons are braced by two additional trusses
not shown in drawings. The cannons won't
be removed until the excavation is complete
(CWI) indicates courtesy of: Civil War Interactive:
The Daily Newspaper of the Civil War -
While some are frustrated that the work is
not going faster, researchers point out that
speed is far less important than painstaking
care in the proceedings.
"It's a slow go, and it has to be,"
said Peterson, "There is only one Monitor
turret, and we are trying to be very conservative
on this. The greater danger would be to try
to excavate in haste and risk losing archaeological
artifacts and materials."
The work on the Monitor's turret is being
carried out at The Mariners' Museum in Newport
News, Va., where the turret, engine, propeller
and hundreds of artifacts will go on display
years from now once they are preserved.
Writings from those who survived had the
ship going down shortly after 1 a.m. A stopped
clock from the engine tells when the boat
slipped beneath the surface in a merciless
storm off the North Carolina coast. Most
of the hands on the clock recovered from
the engine were rusted away, but stains on
the face confirm the time.
Workers crawl in muck and tight places, among
odors described as what you smell at low
tide. The turret is kept submerged in a tank
of chemically and electrically treated water
when not being directly worked on, to slowly
leach out salt and other chemicals forced
into the metal during its years of submergence
on the ocean floor.
The tank is drained when researchers arrive
to work on it, but submerged or heavily sprayed
once it appears to be drying out. Soaker
hoses keep the exterior constantly wet.
Previously recovered
History says the Monitor received seven dents
from the CSS Virginia in a conflict known
to generations as the "battle between
the Monitor and the Merrimack". Besides
the two ironclads, however, a number of other,
older, wooden ships from both sides took
part in the fighting.
A letter written by sailor George Geer to
his wife a month before the Monitor sank
said sailors engraved by each dent the names
of the ships that delivered the blows
Geer also wrote that the cannons were engraved
with the names Ericsson, after John Ericsson,
the ship's Swedish-born designer, and Worden,
after John Worden, the ship's captain.
Museum spokesman Justin Lyons said the cannons
are still encrusted with sea life, as is
the visible dent, punched into 8 inches of
turret armor, so scientists haven't been
able to confirm what Geer wrote.
The concretion also prevents them from getting
a look inside the cannon tubes that might
confirm or refute one of the most famous
legends of the Monitor. This story, recorded
in eyewitness accounts, says that a ship's
cat was stuffed into the cannon barrel to
stop its yowling as terrified crewmen waited
for their turn at the rescue boat sent by
the USS Rhode Island.
The majority of the crew was saved despite
a ferocious storm that raged at the time
of the sinking. Of the 12 crewmen and four
officers who were not accounted for, it is
unknown how many were swept overboard during
rescue attempts and how many went down with
the ship.
And Then There's The Battle That Never Ends
Sept. 11, 2002-(CWI)-Outside of the boundaries
of Antietam National Battlefield itself,
visitors often find it difficult to locate
significant areas of Civil War action in
the surrounding areas of Washington and Frederick
counties in Maryland.
Their difficulties are being compounded,
rangers say, because many of the plaques
that should be in place to mark and explain
events are missing. Some of them are victims
of accidents, usually by poorly driven automobiles.
But others have been outright stolen in some
cases and damaged by senseless vandalism
in others.
The plaques were cast in the 1890s and historians
consulted Civil War veterans in creating
the text and deciding their locations to
mark the battle lines for the Battle of Antietam.
"We could recast [the informational
markers] but it's another little piece of
history that has disappeared," Antietam
Superintendent John Howard said.
The park's some 350 plaques are cast iron
and painted black with white raised lettering.
Officials are asking the public to keep an
eye out at Internet auction sites, antique
shops, flea markets and Civil War shows in
case the thieves are stealing the items for
profit rather than personal collections.
Some of the plaques met their fates at known
times. One War Department plaque at the intersection
of Gapland and Mount Church Roads in Frederick
County was hit in June by a car. The driver
could not be billed for the $4,500 it will
cost to replace the marker because he or
she fled the scene and was never caught.
Another sign, this one indicating directions
at the corner of Smoketown and Dunker Church
roads just up and vanished last year, Chief
Ranger Ed Wenschhof told the Hagerstown Herald-Mail.
The most recent case of theft was a tablet
reading "Piper's Barn" taken from
the intersection of Richardson Avenue and
Bloody Lane.
The "Piper's Barn" sign also contains
a white arrow pointing to the right.
Dan Sickles’ Leg
The Civil War plaques are mounted to the
ground with bolts and have either been pried
free with a crowbar or tilted until the bolts
broke, Wenschhof said. If the missing markers
are found they may or may not be able to
be reused based on their condition, he added.
Cracks in the flat sections of the cast iron
can be fixed but fissures through the raised
lettering are likely too difficult to repair,
Wenschhof said.
Penalties for removing archaeological resources
from federal lands can include up to five
years in prison and $200,000 in fines, Wenschhof
The only patrol presence the park currently
has is its four park rangers and Washington
County Sheriff's deputies. Increasing ranger
patrols is not likely because of the park's
tight budget, Wenschhof said. The only other
option the battlefield can take would be
to gate additional sections of the park,
but officials are hesitant to restrict public
access and some park roads are needed by
the public to reach private homes, he said.
Anyone with information on suspicious behavior
or the whereabouts of missing artifacts is
asked to contact the battlefield at 301-432-7648
or 1-866-677-6677, which is a 24-hour line.
Calls can be anonymous. A reward is being
offered in case of successful prosecution.
Sickles' Leg Declared Safe Despite Changes
in Walter Reed Museum Exhibits
Sept. 13, 2002-(CWI)-Some people actually
go to the National Museum of Health and Medicine
to see silly things like a huge human hairball
(taken from a girl who compulsively ate her
hair) or a skeleton sitting in a rocking
chair, that belonged to a man whose bones
were all fused together by arthritis.
Other people, of course, go to the museum
to see the bones of Gen. Dan Sickles' leg,
separated from the rest of him by a cannonball
at the Battle of Gettysburg.
In recent interviews, museum staffers have
noted that over the last few years the institution
has been reshuffling some of its exhibits
to give more information about fewer objects,
and to downplay the repetitious or simply
bizarre objects on display.
"We have moved with the times, so we
have a more contextual approach," said
Dr. Jim Connor, assistant director for collections.
The museum's displays used to consist of
large numbers of similar objects — rows of
bones with the same fracture, or jars of
brains, each showing the effects of a stroke.
Now, a few specimens are incorporated into
bigger-picture exhibits, the Washington Post
reported recently. One current exhibit about
orthopedic injuries and healing, for example,
includes spines mangled by scoliosis.
The museum has a good number of Civil War
related exhibits, which is appropriate since
that conflict was what gave the 140 year
old museum its start.
It was founded as the Army Medical Museum
in 1862, with about 2,000 bones, mostly amputated
arms and legs. The military surgeons' notes
detailing the damage to each specimen, whether
inflicted by lead Minié balls, bayonets,
gangrene or cholera.
These notes were collected into a six-volume
set, "The Medical and Surgical History
of the War of the Rebellion." It is
a monumental (and very expensive even in
reprint) study of battlefield wounds, infections,
treatments and outcomes.
After Abraham Lincoln's assassination, at
Ford's Theater, Army surgeons conducted Lincoln's
autopsy, and they kept skull fragments, hair
and the bullet that pierced the president's
brain. All those items remain on display.
Out of public view is a section of John Wilkes
Booth's spine, showing the trajectory of
the bullet that killed him.
Dr. Adrianne Noe, the museum's director,
said she and her staff now strive for greater
context in the exhibits and installations.
As might be expected of an institution started
and run by and for military doctors, explanations
were often not given of technical terms common
in the profession but unknown to the lay
But Dr. Connor said the museum would never
abandon some of its more shocking displays,
such as Sickles leg. Those, he said, give
the museum "particularity."
And, he added, many visitors come specifically
for the graphic reality. "Our audiences
aren't shocked but are actually enthused,"
he said.
Sickles leg, along with Dwight Eisenhower's
gallstones and the skeleton of early astronaut
Ham the chimpanzee, are safe, although the
latter two items are not presently on display
due to a lack of room.
Less than 1 percent of the museum's collections
are on display, said Steven Solomon, a museum
spokesman. The rest are kept in a warehouse
in Maryland.
The Washington museum's display capacity
has shrunk drastically since it was moved
from its own building on the Mall to Walter
Reed in the early 1970's. As part of the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, the
museum now serves three military branches.
The museum still attracts around 75,000 visitors
a year. Dan Sickles used to visit the museum
once a year, on the anniversary of the battle
of Gettysburg, to visit his leg bones.
Workers at the museum are occasionally called
upon to assist in modern police work, such
as the incident in which curator of anatomical
collections Paul Sledzik was asked to check
the age of a mummified body left at a flea
market in West Virginia.
Sledzik found that the mummy's organs had
been preserved with cornstarch, a method
popular in the early 20th century. He dated
the skeleton to that era and said it probably
had been in a traveling freak show.
(Freak shows were a type of lower-class traveling
carnival, a once-popular form of entertainment
whose functions have been largely taken over
by television.)
Gettysburg Park Advisory Commission Announces
Sept. 25, 2002-(CWI)-The next meeting of
the Gettysburg National Military Park Advisory
Commission will be October 17, from 7:00
p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at the Gettysburg Cyclorama
Center, 125 Taneytown Road, Gettysburg.
The meeting agenda includes sub-committee
reports; federal consistency reports on projects
within the Gettysburg Battlefield Historic
District; operational updates on park activities,
including the museum/visitor center partnership;
battlefield rehabilitation projects; repairs
of the Pennsylvania Memorial; construction
projects in the park; transportation planning;
and other activities.
The public is invited to attend the meeting
and anyone may submit comments on the agenda
to the Commission Chairperson, care of Gettysburg
National Military Park, 97 Taneytown Road,
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325.
The purpose of the Commission is to advise
the Secretary of the Interior on coordinating
activities within the Gettysburg National
Military Park and Gettysburg Battlefield
Historic District with local government and
the community.
For more information contact Gettysburg National
Military Park, (717) 334-1124.
Gettysburg Repairing Observation Towers
Longstreet Tower
Sept. 6, 2002-(CWI)-The three low-tech observation
towers on the Gettysburg battlefield are
getting preventative maintenance and cosmetic
makeovers. They are in fact getting just
about everything except elevators.
"The National Park Service has hired
a firm to do structural repairs, sandblast
and paint all three towers,” said NPS spokesperson
Katie Lawhon.
Lawhon noted that the project is funded by
a special $360,000 congressional appropriation
for rehabilitation and repair. The work is
being done by a company called EarthSavers
“At any one time it’s possible that two out
of the three towers will be closed, but between
steps they’ll be reopened when possible.,”
said Lawhon. The repair project began on
the observation towers on Tuesday, the Gettysburg
Times reported.
The three platforms are known as the Oak
Ridge Tower, Culp's Hill and Longstreet towers.
The first two are located near their namesake
battlefield sites, while the Longstreet is
located near the general's headquarters,
affording it a view of
the Eisenhower Farm as well as the battlefield.
Two other such towers were once situated
on the field, one on Big Round Top and the
other on Cemetery Ridge. The latter was torn
down to make way for the Cyclorama Building,
itself now scheduled to be demolished as
soon as the new Visitor Center is opened
several years from now.
The Big Round Top tower was little used by
the public, usually already tired from climbing
the hill itself, which has no automobile
access. It became the abode of the famous
Gettysburg vultures, who befouled it with
their droppings.
“The observation towers were built during
the War Department era and are primarily
used by the military, which is still studying
the battle,” said Lawhon. The War Department
took over the battlefield in 1896 and continued
until administration was turned over to the
National Park Service in 1933.
“The work should be completed in November,”
said Lawhon, adding that the firm may be
back in the spring to do some finishing work.
She added that the towers should be open
through the winter months.
Looter Convicted at Fredericksburg
Sept. 26, 2002-(CWI)-On April 6, Bruce Stanley,
43, was apprehended while relic hunting in
the Wilderness Battlefield by ranger Dave
Laclergue. Stanley had six Civil War era
artifacts, a metal detector and digging equipment
in his possession.
Rangers identified a total of 38 separate
sites that Stanley had excavated. An archeological
damage assessment was conducted which placed
the archeological value at $18,896 and the
cost of restoration and repair at $1,816.
The commercial value of the artifacts was
placed at $5.50.
Stanley plead guilty to a misdemeanor ARPA
violation on September 17 in federal district
court in Alexandria. He was sentenced to
a year of supervised probation and fined
$1,000, of which $500 will go as a reward
to a park neighbor who provided the tip that
led to Stanley’s arrest.
Stanley is to pay the park for the cost of
restoration and repair as restitution. He
has also purchased $4,000 worth of advertising
in a local newspaper to publish a looting
prevention message.
Latest Threat to Manassas Battlefield Comes
Riding In on Dirt Bikes
Sept. 30, 2002-(CWI)-Civil War soldiers thought
that two battles were more than enough to
fight at Bull Run Creek near the northern
Virginia town of Manassas. For modern day
folk just trying to save the land for future
generations, it seems the battles just keep
on keeping on.
The latest assault on the peace and quiet
of what should be a sacred bit of American
landscape has arisen in the form of a man
who appears determined to use land adjacent
to the park as a track for dirt bikes and
all-terrain vehicles.
Neither preservationists nor county officials
are at all pleased by this development. The
county objects on the grounds that a commercial
enterprise on the land in question would
violate Prince William County law and zoning
Sam Unuscavage of Centreville said that he
has a right to use his land as he sees fit
and that, regardless, he's not opening a
commercial venture for the public. Instead,
any dirt bike park would be a private club.
"It's my land for my personal use, for
me and my friends' personal use," Unuscavage
told the Washington Post as trucks of fill
dirt rumbled onto the site behind him. "We're
going to do whatever I feel like doing."
County officials stopped work on the site
briefly this month on the suspicion that
Unuscavage was building a commercial bike
park without permission. But they allowed
work to resume when Unuscavage told them
he is clearing the trees and bringing in
dirt to make the land usable for agriculture,
which zoning allows.
Fliers and a Web site advertising the "Redline
MX and ATV Club" that include Unuscavage's
name and the site's western Prince William
address have appeared, raising concerns that
Unuscavage might have something other than
purely agricultural uses in mind.
The fliers, which the Post noted are being
circulated at bike shops and other outlets,
read, in part: "3 Tracks will be available
1 for kids and 2 for adults. Club is for
both off-road bikes and ATVs. The track will
be opened year round and is located off of
route 29 in Prince William Co."
The flier also says the "opening date
for the club is October 31, 2002 (or sooner)."
Deputy County Attorney Joe Howard said his
office is "considering taking some action
based on those fliers" because they
are a clear example of advertising and marketing
a business. If the county doesn't take action
now, it will as soon as it becomes clear
that Unuscavage is operating a business on
the site, county officials said.
"There will not be any commercialized
track out there. The public can rest assured
of that," said Supervisor Edgar S. Wilbourn
III (R-Gainesville), whose district includes
the site. Neither addressed the question
of what recourse would be available if Unuscavage
billed the operation as a "private club"
rather than a business.
"How dare this guy come along now and
just think he can put a motocross track there?"
said Mary Anne Ghadban, who lives down the
street from the site. "He absolutely
has no regard for the rules and the proper
way of going about things."
Unuscavage, who bought the land last year,
had a straightforward, although not entirely
polite, response to the criticism.
"I don't care what they believe, and
I don't care what they think," he said.
"They need to mind their own business.
What I do with my own front yard is my business.
If the property is so . . . historic, why
didn't they buy it? The war's over."
Particularly galling to the preservationist
community is the fact that the proposed track
abuts not only Manassas Battlefield Park
but the property of Annie Snyder, who defended
the park land and surrounding area for decades
before her death in late July.
Harvey Simon, vice president of Friends of
Manassas National Battlefield Park, said
he'd prefer a mall--one of the many intrusions
Annie Snyder fended off-- to a "very
offensive and noisy" bike park.
"We're looking at the degradation of
a site that is a commemorative site,"
he said.
Old Philadelphia Museum Proposed as Unified
Home for Towns' Civil War Collections
Sept. 20, 2002-(CWI)-Philadelphia has a vast
trove of Civil War artifacts scattered among
a number of institutions, some of which are
too small and poor to display or even protect
them adequately.
Philadelphia also has a beautiful and historic
building--not quite Civil War vintage, but
close--that is not used for historic purposes
and is also in danger of deteriorating to
the point of collapse.
Proposals are now being discussed to bring
the two together.
The building is Memorial Hall, a large structure
in the Beaux-Arts style in Fairmount Park,
clearly visible to drivers on the Schuylkill
Expressway if they are foolish enough to
take their eyes off the road long enough
to glance at it while negotiating that
roadway. It is capped by a green dome.
Originally constructed in 1876 for the Centennial
Exposition, it then served as Philadelphia's
main art museum for 50 years. It currently
houses a police station and the Fairmount
Park Commission administrative offices, the
Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
Harris Baum, a new member of the Fairmount
Park Commission, has now officially proposed
the commission conduct a study that would
look into uses of the hall, including as
a Civil War and Underground Railroad museum.
While Baum is the first to formally propose
it, sources give credit for the idea to Seamus
McCaffery, a former police officer turned
lawyer turned Municipal Court judge.
McCaffery, besides his regular court duties,
is best known as the "Eagles Court"
judge. This judicial body exists only during
home games of the Philadelphia football team,
administering on-the-spot justice for attendees
accused of misbehavior.
The judge is also a great fan of the Civil
War who was delighted when his wife bought
him, as a birthday present, a burial plot
in Laurel Hill Cemetery near the grave of
Gen. George Meade, the Union hero at Gettysburg.
Meade Statue – Memorial Hall
The challenges involved in reaching the goal
of a consolidated Civil War museum in Memorial
Hall are many. The building itself is in
need of major restoration for such problems
as roof leaks and termite infestations.
The next matter would be to persuade the
notoriously competitive groups fighting over
Civil War "turf" in Philadelphia
to come together in one site. Institutions
holding such artifacts include the Civil
War Library and Museum on Pine Street, the
Atwater-Kent Museum; the Mutter Museum; local
historical societies; and the Grand Army
of the Republic Museum in Frankford.
Memorial Hall
It was the critical situation at the Library
and Museum that brought the discussion into
being in the first place The building in
which their collection is housed is historic
in its own right, but is difficult to maintain,
hard for visitors to find, and severely lacking
in nearby parking. The institution, which
has been plagued by thefts, no longer has
paid staff and relies entirely on volunteers
to open. A court-ordered inventory of the
collection has yet to be completed.
Andy Waskie, a professor at Temple University
and a Civil War scholar, agrees about the
importance of Philadelphia in the Civil War
- and not just for the usual reasons. It
also was a major site on the Underground
Railroad and it provided 11 regiments of
African American volunteers to the Union
"Harrisburg built a Civil War museum,"
Waskie said, "and they not only had
to build the building but buy the artifacts.
Philadelphia already has a phenomenal collection
of artifacts. We just don't have the building."
The Memorial Hall building also comes with
one bonus feature to offset its many difficulties.
It has one bit of outside decor already in
place--an equestrian statue of Gen. George