~~~~The Old Liner~~~~
- Online edition of newsletter -

Robert Ford, Interim Editor

Future Meetings: 4th Tuesday of each month
January 28, 2025, February 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, June 24, July 22, August 26, September 23, October 28, November 26, December 9.
(Time: Doors open at 7:00, Business meeting and Speaker: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Hiss United Methodist Church, 8700 Harford Rd, Parkville, MD 21234 (from the beltway (I-695) the church will be on your right. Pull into the upper parking lot-the lot just before the church building- and walk to the semi-circle at the front. Enter the first door on the right, go up the stairs to the second floor and turn right to the library (rm #208).
Views expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of members as a whole,
nor do they represent a position taken by the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable.

Next Meeting: March 25, 2025


John Wilkes Booth is widely known as the noted actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. What is not as widely known is Booth’s connection to the Secret Service of the Confederate States of America.


Join the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, as Jim Garrett of the Junius B Booth Society explores the topic John W. Booth and the Confederate Secret Service. 


The meeting will be on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. in the library of Hiss United Methodist Church, 8700 Harford Road, Parkville Md., 21234. (From the beltway (I-695) the church will be on your right. Pull into the upper parking lot-the lot just before the church building- and walk to the semi-circle at the front. Enter the first door on the right, go up the stairs to the second floor and turn left then right into the library (rm #208).


Jim Garrett spent most of his career in the financial services industry, but for the last 10 years, he's been fortunate to be able to do what he has always wanted to do . . . share history. Since 2015, he has been a US Army contractor, plus a staff historian and tour trainer for Arlington National Cemetery. He retired in 2021 and has filled his time as a part-time tour guide and your guide trainer for Unscripted Tours, rated the best tour company in Washington by Viator, the parent company of TripAdvisor. Garrett was a volunteer at Ford's Theatre, giving talks on topics regarding the Lincoln Assassination and other topics related to the Civil War. He recently began teaching a variety of American History classes at Frederick Community College.  He lives in Rohrersville, MD., a short 12-minute drive to the Antietam battlefield.


Remember, join the BCWRT as we present Jim Garrett in his talk about John W. Booth and the Confederate Secret Service at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at Hiss United Methodist Church. If you can’t attend in person, register for the Zoom at:




             Jim Garrett                             John Wilkes Booth
Library of Congress

 Notes from the President

The centuries old saying states that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. In addition to noting significant weather changes, the phase refers to changes across the board.


March of 1862 saw changes in naval strategy with the clash between the Monitor and the Virginia (Merrimack).  The Battle of Kelly's Ford (March, 1863) proved that Federal cavalry could stand up to Confederate cavalry. In March 1864, President Lincoln appointed Ulysses S. Grant as the commander of all Union forces. Lastly, March 1865 witnessed the last major Confederate offensive of the war with the Battle of Bentonville.


Changes and meeting improvements were the topic at the recent meeting of the BCWRT Executive Committee. Two changes will be presented at our March meeting:


The membership will be asked to approve   Frank Armiger to fill the long vacant Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer position


The book raffle will move to the library’s entrance


These moves will help improve the board’s function and our financial position.


Again, I remind all that we want to reach 50 members by the end of 2025. Then we will be in a better position to return to excursions, the banquet, etc. please Renew your membership. Tell friends and have them join the BCWRT. Membership is $25 or $35 for families. Mail your checks to:


Ray Atkins, Treasurer, BCWRT

1204 Fordham Ct.,

Belair, MD 21014

Links:  March News Articles    Previous Meetings 

Annual Dues Notice

Dues for the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable are due at the beginning of each Calendar Year. Please make check payable to
and mail to: Ray Atkins, 1204 Fordham Ct., Belair, MD 21014 410-879-8828

NAME ____________________________________________$25 IND ___ $35 FAM ___ PHONE ___________


ADDRESS __________________________________________________EMAIL ______________________

Note: If you would like your membership card mailed to you please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Otherwise, you can pick it up at the meeting.