Baltimore Civil War Roundtable Meetings and Events Calendar

(All Meetings on 4th Tuesdays-except December- 7:30 p.m. at Hiss United Methodist Church-Parkville Library (#208) and via Zoom.


Meeting January 28, 2025, Due to illness, Author Edward G. Longacre will not be addressing his book J.E.B. Stuart. The Soldier and the Man. Instead, author and historian Scott Mingus, Sr. will focus on his work, Confederate General William "Extra Billy" Smith: From Virginia's Statehouse to Gettysburg Scapegoat.

Meeting February 25, 2025, Attorney and reenactor Calvin Osbourne will discuss the national publicity he received when he discovered that his ancestor was part of the first Black regiment to fight in the Civil War and how to find your own CW ancestor.

Meeting March 25, 2025, Jim Garrett returns to the Roundtable to speak on John W. Booth

Meeting April 22, 2025, Cory Pharr addresses his latest work Longstreet Record at Gettysburg: Six Matters of Controversy and Confusion

Meeting May 27, 2025 Paul Bolcik Washington D.C. Bad Water & The Road to Civil War

Meeting June 24, 2025, Washington and Lee University Prof. and author Barton Myers on his book; Executing Daniel Bright: Race, Loyalty, and Guerrilla Violence in a Coastal Carolina Community, 1861-1865

Meeting July 22, 2025, Historian Prof Dave Booz returns to discuss the Battle of Gettysburg

Meeting August 26, 2025, Alex Carle, Assistant Curator of the B&O Railroad Museum will discuss The Role of B&O during the Civil War

Meeting September 23, 2025, Bob O’Connor on the Members of John Brown’s Provisional Army of America

Meeting October 28, 2025 Jari Villanueva returns to present the Interesting and controversial life of Union Gen. Daniel Butterfield.

Meeting November 25, 2025. Thomas A. Horrocks, author of Lincolns Campaign Biographies.

Meeting December 9, 2025, Dan Welch/Kevin Pawlak authors of Never Such a Campaign: The Battle of Second Manassas, August 28-August 30, 1862

Meeting January 27, 2026, Dr. Thersa Kaminski speaks on her book; Dr. Mary Walker's Civil War: One Woman's Journey to the Medal of Honor and the fight for Woman's Rights.

Meeting February 24, 2026, TBA

Meeting March 24, 2026




   Editor’s note - Some events may have changed by the time we go to print. When possible, please check with the event sponsor prior to attending.

Annual Dues Notice

Dues for the Baltimore Civil War Roundtable are due at the beginning of each Calendar Year. Please make check payable to BCWRT and mail to:

Ray Atkins, 1204 Fordham Ct., Belair, MD 21014 410-879-8828

NAME ____________________________________________$25 IND ___ $35 FAM ___ PHONE ___________


ADDRESS __________________________________________________EMAIL ______________________

Note: If you would like your membership card mailed to you please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Otherwise, you can pick it up at the meeting.